
fig2lat manual

Dirk Krause
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fig2lat — Convert XFig → PDF+TeX / EPS+TeX / PGF

For the impatient: See the Examples section below.


fig2lat [-l _driver_[,_key_=_value_...]] [_options_] _file_


Fig2lat converts Fig drawings created in XFig, jFig or WinFIG to vector graphics formats used by LaTeX/pdfLaTeX.

Key features

Curved arrowheads

Fig2lat uses curved arrowheads on spline and arc ends.

All XFig 3.2.5 arrowheads

All arrowheads introduced in Xfig 3.2.5 are supported.

XFig 3.2.5 arrowheads

Line styles

Fig2lat uses smaller gaps in dotted, dashed and dash-dotted lines. The minimum of the following two values is used:

  • 2 times the line width.
  • Average of line width and dash length.

The example images below show a line bundle converted by fig2lat and the same line bundle converted in backward compatibility mode.

Converted by fig2lat

Converted by fig2lat

Converted in backward compatibility mode

Converted in backward compatibility mode

Line width

Fig2lat allows to specify a base line width (object line widths are multiples of the base line width) differing from 1/80 inch (0.9bp) specified in the Fig file format specification.
Guidelines for illustrating books (/Tsch1960/ and /Ta2007/) recommend to use the line width of vertical lines in characters like "H" or "T" for lines in illustrations — typically 0.4pt.
Fig2lat allows you to configure a base line with, either in bp, pt, in, cm, or mm. Alternatively you can choose "auto" using 0.4pt for a text size of 10pt and scaling for other text sizes.

Fill patterns

Fill patterns use vector graphics operations.

Fill pattern demonstration

X-splines implemented using Bezier splines

X-splines are drawn as a sequence of Bezier splines, not as polylines like some other programs do.

Interpolated splines

Fig2lat uses the correct formula q=-0.5s for interpolated splines (unlike other programs using q=-s), see /BS1995/.
Here is a spline example as shown in /BS1995/.


For comparison here is the same spline converted in backward compatibility mode:


Text handling

  • Non-special text using PS fonts
    You can either use the font as specified in the Fig file (tf=fig) or choose your LaTeX documents font with similar features (tf=similar).
  • Non-special text using LaTeX fonts
    The tf settings is ignored, your LaTeX documents font with similar features is used.
  • Special text
    Special text is transferred to output "as is" without choosing a font family or font size. We just set the color.

Output drivers

Driver Output
pdf.tex PDF+TeX file pair for inclusion in pdfLaTeX documents.
eps.tex EPS+TeX file pair for inclusion in LaTeX documents.
pgf PGF file for inclusion in LaTeX/pdfLaTeX documents.
tex.pdf TeX file for direct processing using pdfLaTeX, supporting PDF file.
tex TeX file for direct processing using pdfLaTeX.
eps Obsoleted.
svg Obsoleted.


Option Purpose
-l driver[,key=version…] Output driver, optionally key=value pairs for detailed configuration.
-o key=value Key=value pair for detailed configuration.
-m Make mode, when processing directories avoid unnecessary conversions if a destination file already exists and is up to date.
Show help text.
Show version information.
Show license information.

Key=value pairs

Group Key Type Purpose
General options lw String Base line width:
  • number and unit, not separated by space
    Allowed units are "bp", "pt", "in", "cm", "cm", "mm".
  • "lighten"
    Use 1/160 inch.
  • "auto"
    Use 0.4pt for document font size 10, scale automatically with document font size.
Text handling tf String Text font
Normal (non-special) text handling, either "similar" to use a font with similar features or "fig" to use the font exactly as specified in the Fig file.
ts String
Text size
Font size for normal (non-special) text, either "none" to not write any font size instruction (use the default LaTeX font size) or a floating point number applied as scale factor to the text size specified in the Fig file.
bbts Boolean Bounding box text size
Use text size specifications when calculating the bounding box.
smash Boolean Controls the use of \smash when writing text objects to LaTeX output.
mbox Boolean Controls the use of \mbox when writing text objects to LaTeX output.
reset@font Boolean Controls the use of \reset@font when writing text objects to LaTeX output with font selected by features (tf=similar).
ste String Encoding used in special text, either "plain" or "utf-8".
X-splines xsss Integer X-spline sub segments
Number of Bezier spline segments to draw for each X-spline segment.
Compatibility cosp Boolean Compatible splines
Use wrong formula q=-s as XFig and fig2dev do.
coah Boolean Compatible arrowheads
Do not draw curved arrowheads, do not cut line ends to have the arrowhead ending in the specified line end point.
xsah Boolean X-splines for arrowheads
Use X-splines to implement the curved arrowheads. Since version 3.10.0 fast splines are used by default.
cols Boolean Compatible line style
Use large gaps in dotted and dash-dotted lines.
cofop Boolean Compatible fill open paths
Driver tex, tex.pdf dcts Number Document class text size
Font size to use in the \documentclass instruction.
Driver eps.tex showpage Boolean Controls the use of the showpage operator for EPS output.
level Integer PS language level, 2 or 3.
Source type xfig Boolean Fig file was produced by XFig.
The keys xfig, jfig and winfig are mutually exclusive. Fig2lat attempts to recognize the source type automatically if no source type is specified. It uses attributes of the bounding box rectangle — if any — to find the source type, see FAQ: What is a bounding box rectangle? below.
jfig Boolean Fig file was produced by jFig.
winfig Boolean Fig file was produced by WinFIG.
Arrowheads ahas Integer Arrowhead arc segments
Number of arrowhead X-spline segments to produce for a 90 degree arc.
ahss Integer Arrowhead spline segments
Number of arrowhead X-spline segments to produce per original X-spline segment.
ahms Integer Arrowhead minimum segments
Minimum number of arrowhead X-spline segments per arrowhead edge.
ahip Float Arrowhead iteration precision
Precision for iterations when applying arrowheads to X-splines. The default 0.04 calculates arrowhead X-spline points to a precision of 1/100 mm. Lowering the precision might increase the computation time significantly.
ahbs Boolean Use simple bisection algorithm for iterations to calculate arrowheads on X‑splines. In version 4.17.0 and above the Anderson‑Björck variant of regula falsi is used by default. The simple algorithm is still available as fallback.
Output codi Integer Color digits
Number of digits after decimal dot for color specifications.

The default values for the keys above depend on the driver:

Option pgf tex tex.pdf eps.tex pdf.tex
lw 1/80 inch 1/80 inch 1/80 inch 1/80 inch 1/80 inch
tf similar fig fig similar similar
ts -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
ste plain plain plain plain plain
bbts off off off off off
dcts 12 12      
smash on on on on on
mbox off off off off off
reset@font off off off off off
xsss 8 8 8 8 8
cosp off off off off off
coah off off off off off
xsah off off off off off
cols off off off off off
cofop on on on on on
ahas 4 4 4 4 4
ahss 4 4 4 4 4
ahms 4 4 4 4 4
ahip 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04
codi 3 3 3 3 3
showpage       on  
level       3  

Exit status

0 on success, all other status codes indicate an error.


When producing a full LaTeX file using the tex or tex.pdf driver the following files from the current working directory are used if found:

  • f2lfonts.tex
    Packages for font setup. The contents of the file replaces the default font selection instructions.

  • f2lother.tex
    Other setup instructions. The contents of the file replaces the other setup section.


This program uses DK libraries version 3.


Use Fig file with pdfLaTeX

To convert a Fig file x.fig into a PDF+TeX file pair for inclusion in a LaTeX document:

fig2lat -l pdf.tex x.fig

In the LaTeX document write:

\input{x.tex}\caption{My image}\label{fig:my-image}%

Use Fig file with LaTeX/dvips

To convert a Fig file x.fig into a EPS+TeX file pair for inclusion in a LaTeX document:

fig2lat -l eps.tex x.fig

In the LaTeX document write:

\input{x.tex}\caption{My image}\label{fig:my-image}%

Use Fig file wiith both pdfLaTeX and LaTeX/dvips

To convert a Fig file x.fig into a PGF file for inclusion in a LaTeX document:

fig2lat -l pgf x.fig

In the LaTeX document write:

\input{x.pgf}\caption{My image}\label{fig:my-image}%

Create standalone PDF file

To create a PDF file from a Fig file x.fig:

fig2lat -l tex.pdf x.fig
pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode x

Create standalone EPS file

To create an EPS file from a Fig file x.fig:

fig2lat -l tex.pdf x.fig
pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode x
pdftops -eps -paper match x.pdf x.eps

Note: The final command uses the pdftops program from poppler/xpdf, not pdf2ps from Ghostscript.

Create SVG file

To create an SVG file from a Fig file x.fig:

fig2lat -l tex.pdf x.fig
pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode x
pdf2svg x.pdf x.svg

Find more information about the pdf2svg program used in the final stop on Sources are available in a GIT repository. For windows binaries there is another GIT repository.

Create PNG / JPEG / ICO / XPM

The Wiki of the Graphics conversion hints project shows procedures how to convert Fig files to various file types.


What is a bounding box?

A bounding box rectangle is a box (object type 2, subtype 2) which is only used to calculate the bounding box of the image. It is not drawn to output files.
If no source type was specified when starting fig2lat the bounding box rectangle is also used to recognize the source file type.
Depending on your drawing program you should set the following attributes on a bounding box rectangle:

Property Xfig jFig WinFIG
Layer 999 999 999
Line width 0 0 0
Pen color Default (-1) White (7) White (7)
Fill style None (-1) None (-1) None (-1)

If a background rectangle was found and the source type is not yet known the pen color is used to separate files created by XFig from files created by jFig.
Files created by WinFIG are recognized by the METADATA lines in the file.

Why do interpolated splines in fig2lat output differ from fig2dev output?

Fig2lat uses the correct formula q=-0.5*s from /BS1995/, fig2dev uses q=-s. /BS1995/ requires 0 <= q <= 0.5 to avoid unwanted oscillations.
Near the top of this page there is a Interpolated splines example showing the different outputs for an X-spline example from /BS1995/.
There you can see the difference, especially the stronger curvature between points 4,5 and 6,7 and an unwanted oscillation between points 3 and 4.

If you insist on using fig2dev behaviour, add

-o cosp=true

to the fig2lat command (compatible splines).

How do I set the PS level to 2?

Create or modify a dk3pref.conf file either in the /etc/dk3app-site directory to set the default for all users or in the ${HOME}/.dk3app directory to set the default just for the current user.

Add a text section:




What document preamble is written by fig2lat?

% begin font setup
% end font setup
% begin other packages
% end other packages
\newfont{\FigToLatFontA}{ptmr at 12pt}%
text output instructions

How can I modify the above preamble?

Font size in the \documentclass instruction
Use the dcts option.

Font setup
Modify the f2lfonts.tex file.

Other packages
Modify the f2lother.tex file.

How can I convert to other graphic file formats?

See the [gxhints:wiki:Home] page. Conversion from fig to eps, pdf, svg, png, jpeg, ico, and xpm is shown here.

See also

/BS1995/Carole Blanc, Christophe Schlick:
X-Splines: A Spline Model Designed for the End-User
Proceedings of the SIGGRAPH 1995
/Ta2007/Till Tantau
TikZ & PGF manual
/Tsch1960/Jan Tschichold
Erfreuliche Drucksachen durch gute Typographie
MaroVerlag Augsburg
ISBN 3-87512-413-8

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