
dkwxwiz manual

Dirk Krause
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dkwxwiz — Start new wxWidgets + libdk4 project


dkwxwiz [_options_] _program_ _application_ _frame_
Command line argument Purpose
program Name of the executable program to produce, without any dot.
application Name of the application class derived from wxApp.
frame Name of the main window class derived from wxFrame.

All three names are used in C identifiers, so they must be valid C identifiers theirselves (character or underscore, optionally followed by a sequence of character, underscore or digits).


The dkwxwiz program produces a code skeleton for an application using the wxWidgets libraries and the DK tools libraries.
You can use this wizard to start a new project.


Option Argument type Purpose
-c Text Name of the copyright owner
-l String License to use, i.e. "bsd"
-f Force program to write outupt files, even if the output files already exist.
-h Show help text.
-v Show version information.
-L Show license information.

Exit status

0 on success, all other status codes indicate an error.


The following template files are used:

Template for the header file used by all modules.

Template for the application class derived from wxApp.

Template for the main window class derived from wxFrame.

Template for the script, used in Linux/Unix build process.

Template for the file, used in Linux/Unix build process.

Template for the file, used in Windows builds.

Template for the application *.rc file, used in Windows builds.

Template for the *.xpm application icon file.

The reverse search order for configuration files is used, application name "dkwxwiz", application group name "dktools".


To configure all settings via command line would require many options. So you should edit all the files generated by dkwxwiz and apply changes to places marked by __CHANGE__ if necessary before doing the first build.


This program uses DK libraries version 3.

Example / Tutorial

Run the wizard

Prepare a new empty directory and run:

dkwxwiz testprog TestApp TestFrame

The command generates the following files:

Header file for the project.

Source code for the application class.

Source code for the top level window class.

Program icon for non-Windows systems.
Used by configure to create the Makefile.
Input file for autoconf.
Makefile for Windows.

Resource file for windows build. This file references the icon and contains some information.

Build process on Linux, Unix


dkcpre -l

to build the initial version.

The dkcpre command generates TestApp.h and TestApp.cpp from TestApp.cpt and TestFrame.h and TestFrame.cpp from TestFrame.wxc.
Additionally it creates the testprog.str file containing a string table in English. The file is re-generated on each run of dkcpre.

The autoconf command generates a configure script from

The configure script uses "wx-config" to find the libraries to use and the library paths. Additionally it sets up some C/C++ compiler options.

The final make command builds the testprog application. You can run it using:


Build process on Windows

Edit the file and apply modifications if necessary.

Edit the testprog.rc file and apply modifications if necessary.

In a cmd.exe window set up the paths for Visual Studio and/or platform SDK and run:

dkcpre -l
nmake -f

How to continue

Places of interest are marked by __CHANGE__ number comments.

It is a good idea to edit all the files just created directly after running dkwxwiz. Use your editors search feature to visit all places marked by __CHANGE__.

Change number Title File(s) How to modify
001 Copyright holder TestApp.cpt
Enter the name of the copyright owner here (i.e. the name for private persons doing spare time projects, the company name for commercial software vendors).
002 License type TestApp.cpt
Correct the license type. You can use "bsd", "gpl", "lgpl", or "commercial" here.
003 Copyright year TestApp.cpt
Correct the years used in the copyright.
004 Program name TestApp.cpt Correct the program name if necessary.
005 Program version TestApp.cpt Correct the program version if necessary.
006 Program group TestApp.cpt Correct the program group name if necessary. The program group name is used when searching for resource files.
007 Software vendor TestApp.cpt Correct the software vendor name. This name must not contain any whitespaces, it is used to save and retrieve configuration data.
008 Idle processing TestFrame.wxc If no idle event processing is required, remove the OnIdle() handler function declaration in the class definition, the implementation, and the event table entry.
009 Further application class members TestApp.cpt If you add further members to the application class, you must initialize them and set them up in the OnInit() method and release resources allocated by the members in the OnExit() method.
If member initialization in OnInit() fails for some reason, use "goto finished;" so the end of function is reached without setting the return code to true.
010 Exit status code TestApp.cpt The exit status code of the application is the result of the OnExit() method.
011 Further window class members TestFrame.wxc If you add further members to the window class, you must initialize them and set them up in the "constructor start" section.
If initialization fails, use goto dkctGUILayoutFinished; to jump to the end of the constructor without setting the success indicator.
Use the destructor to release resources allocated by member variables.
012 Further local variables in the constructor TestFrame.wxc If you need further local variables in the constructor, declare and initialize them in the "constructor start" section.
In the "constructor end" section you can release resources allocated by the local variables.
013 Unsaved data TestFrame.wxc In the canClose() function you should check for unsaved data before returning. Return true if the window can be closed, false otherwise.
014 Top-level window methods TestFrame.wxc You can add further methods to the top-level window class.
015 GUI TestFrame.wxc
You can remove the lDummy element from the contentsSizer and fill the contentsSizer with GUI elements as needed. When removing the lDummy object, you can reuse text 11 in the textprog_texts array for other GUI elements.
016 Localized texts TestApp.cpt You can add further texts to the textprog_texts array. These texts — or the corresponding translations — are available in the sTexts array of the TestFrame class.
017 Top-level window class events TestFrame.wxc
Define event IDs for new events in the testprog.h file, declare the handlers in the top-level window class, configure event handling in the event table, and provide the implementation.
018 Classes and modules testprog.h
To use more classes and modules add #include-instructions to the testprog.h file.
For classes showing a GUI use a *.wxc file, for other modules use a *.cpt or *.ctr file.
The testprog.h file should be included by all modules in the project, this file in turn includes all headers needed. In add object modules to OBJ_testprog, add libraries to the linker instruction building the testprog program.
019 About dialog box TestFrame.wxc You might want to change the "About" dialog box to be more informative.

You should create the following files:

File Purpose
testprog.chm Help file for use on Windows systems.
testprog.htb Help file for use on non-Windows systems.
testprog.ico Application icon used on Windows systems.
testprog.xpm Application icon used on non-Windows systems.

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